“Rock vs Mulch”  



Much is an economical “ temporary “ remedy that will have to be redone continually.

Although it is a quick fix and looks great after applying its color fades rather quickly.

Generally when mulching is put down the old mulch or pine bark is almost never removed

before installing new mulch or pine bark.

Freshening up the mulch, in reality, is covering up the old mulch or pine bark which only adds to the density of the mulch or pine bark.  Eventually, you wind up with 4-6 inches of compacted mulch or pine bark which makes it is very difficult to properly fertilize or water shrubs & plantings as the penetration of either becomes near impossible.



As an alternative to mulch rock is a permanent solution to a landscape design project.

Not everyone is a fan of rock.  Rock, stone, and gravel are more expensive initially to install but over several years of not having to re mulch, this is a big advantage as an investment.

Installation of rock is as follows:

In the areas and shrub beds desired for change, any old mulch or shrubs are removed

Depending on the degree of the renovation:

Nursery grade landscape fabric is installed in all areas possible.  The landscape fabric is then pinned to the ground using 6” fabric anchors. It is important to use nursery grade landscape fabric to keep the rock from sinking into the earth below.  The landscape fabric also acts as a weed barrier.

Once the new landscape fabric is in place any new plants can then be installed.  Finally, the rock or stone desired is installed to finish the project.