If you’re a new homeowner with a newly constructed house adding the shrubs, plantings, and lawn you want is a matter of choice.  You are dealing with a blank canvas and the result is a matter of you and your landscaper’s imagination, knowledge, and budget.  But, if you are a homeowner with an existing landscape in place your decision to start over from scratch or to rejuvenate your existing landscape is more challenging.

In some cases when looking at your existing situation it is hard to tell where the weeds end and your planting begins.  Often an established landscape looks overgrown and would take too much work and money to get back into shape.  Fresh plantings do a lot to make your home look brighter and more appealing.  Even if you have the budget a complete makeover is only one of your options.   In many cases, a proper rejuvenation can yield a fresh look at a lower cost.  Pruning and trimming can bring new life into your landscape in many cases.

What do we mean by REJUVENATION?  Rejuvenation has many unique looks dependent on what types of plants you have in your present landscape.  Some plants need only light pruning while others require a large cutback or reshaping.  Either way, it requires removing the old or overgrown portions of the plants.  The removal of all this excess provides for a more appealing visual and provides the plant a healthier environment to grow in.

Landscaping and Rock Specialties, LLC (LRS) has years of experience and can accomplish light pruning as well as deep trimming to a fraction of the plant’s current size.  Sometimes all that is required is a reshaping.  Either way old and overgrown branches are removed.  When trimming branches cut points are determined that will allow the plant to generate new growth.  At first, the landscape looks sparse but within a few weeks or a few months depending on the type of plants and whether the new landscape will start to take shape.

One of the main reasons for opting to rejuvenate a landscape over replacing it with all new is cost.  The cost of pruning is low compared to purchasing new plants.  Additionally, new plants require more attention like watering frequently and are subject to other problems like root damage just to name a few of the problems.  When you think of landscaping you seldom consider “Safety” but a well-maintained landscape provides clear lines of sight and in the case of businesses a better view of signage.  Beyond the health of the plants and safety, a healthy landscape is more weather damage resistant.

Sometimes rejuvenation is not the answer.  Not all plants prune well.  Other plants might be diseased or have too many dead spots.  Pruning may not be the answer if the plant is a deep-rooted plant that might cause problems with other underground systems. Whether you choose to start over all new or go the renovation route Landscaping and Rock Specialties LLC stands ready to work with you to look at your current situation and to devise a plan that will yield the landscaping you are wanting that meets your budget requirements.

To get started, call us today or submit the request for an estimate form on this website.  Whether you decide to rejuvenate or start over we work with you and your budget and weigh out all the pros and cons.  We have the experience, knowledge, and equipment to make your home or business have the look you want.